Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Bila ia terdetik

Kegembiraan kadang2 tercalit kedukaan..i really dont understand y i feel so sad. .ishh xfhm dengan diri sndiri..bnyak berfikir smpai satu pun x bole pakai..YAALLAH kau kuatkn la aty hamba mu ini..

Im simple person who hides a 1000 feelings behind the happiest smile..y?plz dont ask..

For someone special,  i try the best to make u smile n happy everyday,n hope our relationship will always be for ever n ever..i know u were happy before,wif someone that really2 love and tottally understand u and i know wat will happen she still stay forever in ur heart..i hope that i have a place in your heart i took it as a history of ur life..i try to be strong and the one that u want..simple but plz understand cuz it takes.the big hope from me, i want u to love me with all ur heart,try to make me happy,always be together dlm ssh atau pun senang dan  harap dpt membimbing ku..same same ubah kehidupan ke arah yg lebih baik..

Tpnjang pulak entry kali ini..dikala awan mendung dan hujan membasahi bumi syok plak brcerita luahan isi aty..bukan sng dek non nak org fhm akn isi aty ape yg ptt kita memahami dulu isi atynyer..jiwang plak haii si eynariena nie.."sometimes u juz cant tell someone how u feel,cuz u can never really find the right words to make them understand".btul x..sblum lg lebat hujan di aty baik brhenti berentry...salam

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